#2497 Hockersmith Auction

   Add to Calendar 2023-06-15 22:30:00.000 2023-06-15 22:30:00.000 America/New_York Land Proz Auction Section 19 of Sand Creek TWP & Section 20 of Columbia TWP - Offered as 2 Tracts - 25 +/- Tillable Acres - 3 Bedroom & 1 Bath Home - NE of North Vernon, IN Section 19 of Sand Creek TWP & Section 20 of Columbia TWP - Offered as 2 Tracts - 25 +/- Tillable Acres - 3 Bedroom & 1 Bath Home - NE of North Vernon, IN Jared Baird jaredbaird@landproz.com
Type & Format:
37.25 ±
Jennings County

37.25 Acres
Jennings County, in





107 Underwood Drive

Westport, IN 47283



2945 E County Rd 925 N, North Vernon, IN 47265



Saturday May 20, 2023 10:00am - 2:00pm

Saturday June 10, 2023 12:00pm - 2:00pm



LandProz is pleased to present the Hockersmith farm and acreage in Jennings County, IN. This country acreage and tillable land will be offered to the public to bid their price on Thursday June 15, 2023 at 6:30 pm [EST].

Online bidding will open June 8, 2023.



Please contact LandProz Broker Jared Baird at 812-620-7745 or Landproz Auctioneer Brian Owens at 812-528-7021 for more information regarding this property. 



• 16.81 +/- Deeded acres

• 5 +/- Tillable acres

• WAPI of 125.2

• 3 Bedroom / 1 Bath home

• 1,215 Sq ft home

• Open kitchen & living room

• Full basement

• Multiple outbuildings

• Wooded acreage

• 1,920 Sq ft pole barn

• Near Westport & North Vernon

• Real Estate taxes $1,356.76



• 20.44 +/- Deeded acres

• 19.5 +/- Tillable acres

• Nearly level topography

• WAPI of 136.1

• Rural water nearby

• Near Westport & North Vernon

• Real Estate taxes $510.66


Please contact LandProz Broker Jared Baird at 812-620-7745 or Landproz Auctioneer Brian Owens at 812-528-7021 for more information regarding this property. 



10% [non-refundable] down on the day of the auction. Balance is due at closing, on or about July 31, 2023. Any statements made the day of the auction take precedence over previous materials. All information provided herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable, but neither the auction company nor the seller guarantee it's accuracy.

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