#2350 Danny Orr - Live & Online Auction

   Add to Calendar 2022-09-10 14:30:00.000 2022-09-10 14:30:00.000 America/New_York Land Proz Auction Sections 25, 26, 30 & 36 of French Lick TWP - Offered as 7 Tracts - Mixed-Use Farm - Building Site(s) - NE of French Lick, IN Sections 25, 26, 30 & 36 of French Lick TWP - Offered as 7 Tracts - Mixed-Use Farm - Building Site(s) - NE of French Lick, IN Eric Richards ericrichards@landproz.com
Type & Format:
688.00 ±
Orange County
Saturday, September 10, 2022 2:30 pm EDT

688.00 Acres
Orange County, in
Date: Saturday, September 10, 2022 2:30 pm EDT







This auction will take place at 10:30AM [EST] 

On-Site at the Farm

5648 W County Rd 100 N, West Baden Springs, IN



Saturday August 20, 2022 from 10:00AM to 2:00PM [EST]


Tuesday August 30, 2022 from 4:00pm to 8:00PM [EST]



RARE, 688+/- mostly contiguous acreage in beautiful Orange County, Indiana. Comprised of 307+/- tillable acres, 135+/- pasture/hay acres, and 243+/- of mostly mature woodland acres, this property has it all!

Located just minutes from charming French Lick and West Baden, this property features everything necessary for commercial, hobby or recreational use. Fertile, historically consistent quality yield producing, tillable bottoms, mature woodlands, well managed grasslands, and abundant fresh water provide the ideal opportunity for any agricultural operation or nature enthusiast.

All tillable acreage has been managed under an extensive Nutrient Management Plan and fertility has been well maintained using a grid sampling format. Several building sites are possible, some with views of the Pete Dye golf course. Avid hunters and nature enthusiasts will enjoy extremely abundant wildlife including white tail deer, wild turkey, and quail. Public electric is available to all tracts.  


Please contact LandProz Broker Eric Richards at 317-557-1376 or Auctioneer Brian Owens at 812-528-7021 for more information about this property. Bidders will need to bring a pre-approval letter or proof of funds from the bank to register for the auction.



Hard to find, 49+/- premium, tillable acres with direct and easy access off Highway 150 via deeded easement. Located directly across Highway 150 from Tract 2 and Lick Creek, this acreage has never failed to produce a quality yield for the current owner. New tiling was installed in 1990 and 2003 by the current owner. Due to the proximity, this tract works very nicely with tract 2 for agricultural purposes. A Nutrient Management Plan is in place for this tract.




334+/- rare, rolling, and beautiful contiguous acres in Orange County located 5 minutes from the West Baden/French Lick resort community. 139+/- tillable acres, 93+/- pasture/hay, and 102+/- woodland acres provide for an excellent, combined grain and cow/calf operation opportunity. FSA designates 26+/- acres tillable that are currently in pasture.

Fertile Lick Creek tillable, bottom ground has never failed to produce high quality yields in 37 years of ownership. All bottoms are tiled and most have new tiling systems or new tile strings installed in 1990 and 2003. The grasslands consist of several cross-fenced pastures and hay fields with mostly new fencing installed in 2016. Abundant fresh water is available, featuring 5 ball waterers supplied by a strong, deep well and a fenced pond for water back-up.  

A Nutrient Management Plan is in place for all tillable acres.

The current owner has participated in, and continues to participate in, many NRCS programs to expand conservation practices involving water, soil, and woodlands. Improving grazing conditions, increasing crop resiliency and production, and developing wildlife habitats have been a priority throughout the past 37 years. In addition, there are 2 income producing CRP filter strip contracts in this tract.

In addition, 35+/-, select, woodland acres boasts a mature crop of valuable hardwood trees. A forester report and timber harvest evaluation dated April 2022 is available upon request to prospective buyers. These beautiful woodlands line both East and West pastures on 2 sides, providing nice shade cover for cattle during hot summer months.  

Other features on the property include a 60' x 90' machinery shed built in 2001 and a 30’ x 8 ring grain bin with fan and aeration floor. Additionally, there are 3 heavy use feeding pads to aid in winter cattle feeding. 

Private access to this property is via a well maintained, gravel railroad bed with deeded easement featuring recently installed cattle guards. Several building sites are possible, some with a view of the Pete Dye golf course for interested buyers.

Avid hunters and nature enthusiasts will enjoy extremely abundant wildlife including white tail deer, wild turkey, and quail.








36+/- tillable, 19+/- woodland acres located in a fertile Lick Creek bottom. This tract is located directly adjacent to tract 2, making it a convenient fit with tracts 1 and 2 for agricultural operations. New tiling system was installed in 2012 to assist with drainage. Access is via a deeded easement.

A Nutrient Management Plan is in place for this tract.




32+/- acres of heavily wooded acreage located minutes from French Lick/West Baden, are perfectly suited for recreation and/or building site.

A mature timber crop exists on the property and is verifiable via an April 2022 forester report and timber valuation, available upon request. Avid hunters and nature enthusiasts will enjoy extremely abundant wildlife including white tail deer, wild turkey, and quail.

The property fronts Abydel Road for great access, and features Duke Energy electric available at the road. There is no public water available. 



37+/- heavily wooded acres bordering tract 4 is also located minutes from French Lick/West Baden. This tract has and is also perfectly suited for recreation and/or building site.

A mature timber crop exists on the property and is verifiable via an April 2022 forester report and timber valuation, available upon request. Avid hunters and nature enthusiasts will enjoy extremely abundant wildlife including white tail deer, wild turkey, and quail.

The property fronts Abydel Road for great access and features Duke Energy electric available at the road. There is no public water available.  






89+/- premium, tillable acres and 11+/- grass, waterway, and filter strip acreage located along Sulphur Creek boasts a fantastic yield history!

This tract is easily accessible via Abydel road and features a 30’ x 7-ring grain bin with fan and aeration floor. Extensive new tiling was done in 2009 to improve drainage. Additionally, an income producing CRP filter strip contract comes with this tract.

A Nutrient Management Plan is in place for this tract.




This rolling tract with 42+/- acres of pasture and 39+/- woodland acres makes for an ideal cattle or other domestic animal operation.

A spring fed water source provides a clean, ample, and affordable water supply. This property also features building sites for either a residence and/or barn, and fronts Abydel Road with gated access. Duke Energy electric is available at the county road. Avid hunters and nature enthusiasts will enjoy extremely abundant wildlife including white tail deer, wild turkey, and quail.


Please contact LandProz Broker Eric Richards at 317-557-1376 or Auctioneer Brian Owens at 812-528-7021 for more information about this property.



10% down [non-refundable] on each tract the day of the sale. Possession for Tract 2 is December 1, 2022. Bidders will need to bring a pre-approval letter or proof of funds from the bank to register for the auction. Balance due at closing, on or before November 9, 2022. Any statement made the day of the auction takes precedence over previous material. All information provided herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable, but neither the auction company nor seller guarantees its accuracy. 


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