#1627 Groeneweg Estate

   Add to Calendar 2018-04-21 15:00:00.000 2018-04-21 15:00:00.000 America/Chicago Land Proz Auction Section 20 of Bath Twp - Two tracts - Home and outbuildings on 13 acres - 134.83 acres of tillable with a CPI of 86.8 - Northwest of Clarks Grove - Online bidding available Section 20 of Bath Twp - Two tracts - Home and outbuildings on 13 acres - 134.83 acres of tillable with a CPI of 86.8 - Northwest of Clarks Grove - Online bidding available Greg Jensen gregjensen@landproz.com
160.00 ±
Freeborn County
Saturday, April 21, 2018 3:00 pm CDT

160.00 Acres
Freeborn County, MN
Date: Saturday, April 21, 2018 3:00 pm CDT

Auction Results

Tract 1 - Home and 13 acres: $134,000

Tract 2 - 147 Acres: $767,312 or $5220/acre.

OPEN HOUSE: Wednesday, April 4 from 5:30 to 6:50

Property and Auction Location

74394 300th St. Clarks Grove, MN 56016

Property Description

This 160 acre tract will be sold in two tracts, the building site with the surrounding woods and the remaining 147 acres of cropland. The house is three bedrooms and two bath with a walk out basement built in 1974, there are also outbuildings including a 30’ x 48’ Morton machine shed built in 2007. The farmland has a great CPI Soil rating of 86.8, great drainage with tile and the bordering drainage ditches and CRP acres for extra income.

Property Features

• Driving Directions: From Albert Lea, take County Rd 20 North out of town for about 8 miles to 300th St, turn east for about a half mile, farm is on the left.

• Total Deeded Acres: 160

• PID # (s): 180200050

• Legal Description: SW ¼ of Section 20 Bath Twp, Freeborn Co. MN

• Latitude/Longitude:   43°  47’  31.76      -93°  23’  3.74  

• Real Estate Taxes: $ 5,166                       Special Assessments  $321.14

Tract 1

• Ranch style 1288 sq ft home

• 3 bedroom

• 2 bath

• Built in 1974

• 13 acre wooded building site with multiple outbuildings

• 30' x 48' Morton building built in 2007

Tract 2

• 147 deeded acres

• CPI Soil Rating:  86.8

• Total Cropland Acres:  134.83 Acres

• Wheat Base Acres:   10      PLC Yield: 39

• Corn Base Acres: 46.3        PLC Yield:  147      

• Soybean Base Acres:  63.3        PLC Yield:  34      

• CPI Soil Rating:  86.8

• Classifications: HEL   

• CRP Acres: 15.2

• CRP Annual Payment: $1,722

• CRP Expires: 2019

• Topography: rolling

Farm is currently rented for the 2018 growing season. 

Auction Terms: $7,500 (nonrefundable) down for tract 1 the day of the sale and $50,000 (nonrefundable) down for tract 2 the day of the sale. Balance due on tract 1 June 1. Balance due on tract 2 either June 1, to receive cropland rent and pay 2018 taxes or November 1, 2018 and sellers will receive cropland rent and pay 2018 taxes. 2% Buyer’s fee will apply. Any Statement made the day of the auction takes precedence over previous material. All information provided herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable, but neither the auction company nor seller guarantee its accuracy.

Personal Property Auction will begin at 11 a.m. after the land sells

Vehicles/Tractors:  2008 Ford F-150 4x4 37K; 2004 Ford Windstar van 69K; 66 Oliver; 850 Ford; M Farmall; 2- Husqvarna lawn mowers; pickup box trailer

Tools: 2- air compressors, ladders, hand tools; garden tools; Stihl chain saw; Ryobi table saw; craftsman band saw; drill press

Antiques/Primitives: Numerous egg crates; metal tractor seats; planter wheels; wash tubs; old pulleys; oil cans; 30+ yard sticks; license plates and metal signs; two man saws; horse drawn implements; old games & toys; 1 gal western whisky jug, 5 gal western canner, 5 gal redwing crock

Household: Grandfather clock; glass hutch; 2-lift recliners; 3 full size bedroom sets; kitchen utensils; kitchen ware; oval dining room table w/chairs; hutch; books; lawn chairs

Auctioneers note: Joe was an avid auction buyer for years!  If you are into American pickers here is your chance to be your own picker!  Scrap iron buyers don’t miss this sale!  This auction is an entire acreage of personal property plan to attend the entire day!  Visit website for pictures. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed material. Not responsible for accidents. Cash, check, or credit card w/4% convenience fee

JJ Wise Auctioneering

Klemme, IA 641-420-7355



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