#1506 Martin Farm #1506

   Add to Calendar 2016-10-29 10:00:00.000 2016-10-29 10:00:00.000 Land Proz Auction Cropland with Lakeshore located on Albert Lea Lake! Cropland with Lakeshore located on Albert Lea Lake!
74.00 ±
Freeborn County
Saturday, October 29, 2016 10:00 am

74.00 Acres
Freeborn County, MN
Date: Saturday, October 29, 2016 10:00 am

LaVerne Martin Estate Auction  #1506

Saturday, October 29, 2016 @10am

74 Acres+/-  

Sold Price: $5,406/acre or $400,044


Auction Location & Driving Directions: Take Albert Lea exit 11 off I-35.  Go West for 1mile on East Main Street.  Turn left go South at Casey’s Gas station (Prospect Ave) ¼ mile. Continue South on 767th Ave just over the tracks to the Auction site.  

Total Deeded Acres: 74

Total Cropland Acres: 65.83

Latitude 43° 39’ 5      Longitude 93° 20’ 19
PID: 080400210, 080500030

Legal Description: 74 Acres +/-   S ½ of Section 10 Albert Lea Township, Freeborn County, MN



  • 2016 Taxes: $1,632.00

  • CPI (Crop Productivity Index): 66.3

  • Corn Base Acres: 31.4 

  • Corn PLC Yield: 155.9 bu

  • Oats base 8.8 

  • Oats PLC Yield: 54 bu

  • Classification: some HEL


The Martin Farm is one of a kind! 74 Acres on the east side of Albert Lea. 1,500 feet of lake shore on the north side of Albert Lea Lake.  What a great a place to build a home of homes overlooking the town and lake.  Productive tillable & livestock potential, wildlife, hunting & bike trail all just minutes from town.  

Personal Property: This auction has farm machinery, TONS of stuff for sheep farmers and dairy farmers, farm antique/junk collectors, scrappers, and something for pretty much everyone!    

 Personal Property to be Auctioned after the Land by Jensen Auctions and JJ Wise Auctioneering.


Farm Equipment

- AC 185 Diesel    18.4-30   5130 Hrs

- AC  WD-45 Wide Front w/ loader 14.9-28

- 479 New Holland Haybine

 - AC 4 row cultivator

- MM  12’  grain drill w/ seeder

- JD 4 row wide planter

- 500 Kewanee Elevator

 - Auger wagons

- MM 1210 Mod E w/ Power rake

- New Idea wide 2 row corn picker

- 2 small discs

- Large 30’ drag

- 4 row stalk chopper

- 310 New Holland baler

- 3 pt grader blade

- Chisel plow

- Tractor duals

 - Gehl Silage blower

- Wire corn cribs

- 3 pt. livestock carrier

- Bale Conveyor

- 4 barge boxes

- MN gravity wagon

- Diesel Barrel w/ stand

- Gas barrel w/ stand

- 2 wheel trailer

- 912 AC Lawn Mower w/ tiller cultivator

- Power tools

- Welder

- 2 air compressors

- Pressure washer

- Tire changer

- Hay racks

- Tractor tires

- Wagon tires

- Rims

- Many, many gates

- Lanterns

- Plastic 5 gal pails

- Feed Cart

- Many metal bushel baskets

- Tools

- 2 knipco heaters

- Tool boxes

- Many old and antique tools

- Antique Barn Beam Drill

- Wagon Wheels

- Wooden pallets

- 4 dog houses

- Shop Vac

- Nuts & Bolts

- Lumber

- Stainless Steel table

- Movable Sheds

- Wheel Barrows

- Concrete mixer

- Band Saw

- Wood & Steel Hog feeders

- Porta Huts

- Concrete blocks and tiles



- 1974 Ford 150, 2WD

- Hawes Topper

- 1964 Ford Galaxie, 4 door

- 1979 Grand Prix, 2 door, hard top

- 1990  Buick LeSabre, 4 door,  67,000 mi.



- Stainless Steel  pipeline

- Acorn barn cleaner

- Stainless Steel Bulk tank  500 Gal

- Milkers  (universal)

- Water Heater

- Compressor for Milk Machines Electric motors

- Compressor milker for down cows

- Calf puller

- Portable generator

- Stanchions & other iron

- Cattle feeders

- Round bale feeders


Sheep Equipment

- Parer heep hoof trimmer – 75-100psi Air compressor run

- Tip chute

- Sheep feeders

- Grafting Pens

- Show boxes

- 2  LB white heater

- Feeders & waterers

- Blocking Stands

- Orange Mineral feeders

- Coated Expanded Metal flooring

- Many tools for vaccinations, castrations, etc. 

- Sheep Halters

- Sheep Blankets

- Sheep Magazines

- Files of Sheep info



- Oak Hutch

- Davenport w/bed in

- Multiple chests of drawers

- Maytag washer and dryer (4 years old)

- Frigidaire Fridge (6 years old)

- Whirlpool stove

- Hotpoint upright freezer

- Oster microwave

- Many mittens, gloves, and caps

- Round Maple table with chairs

- Maple record player

- King size brass headboard

- Toy Horses

- Toy horse - 2-horse hitches and 8-horse hitches

- Cupboards

- Window Air Conditioner

- Dishes

- Serving Dishes

- Pots and pans

- Cedar Chest

- Queen Waterbed Frame

- Several Chests


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