#1581 Thomas East Farm #1581

50.00 ±
Keokuk County
$157,604 or $3,152/acre

50.00 Acres
Keokuk County, IA
Price: $157,604

Driving Directions

From What Cheer go west on County Highway G29 3.4 miles, take a left onto 110th ave going south for 2.7 miles and the farm will be on your left.

Property Description

Great combination farm in Keokuk county that has enough tillable acres to help make payments as you enjoy the great deer and pheasant hunting this farm has to offer. I have personally hunted on the neighboring property, the pheasant numbers on this farm and in the area are impressive.  There is also a great creek bottom and lots of thick brush on the farm for deer to bed down in when they come back from feeding in the neighboring fields. 

Property Features

• House that sits on the property will be surveyed off and is not included in the sale.

• 25.58 acres of tillable currently in CRP

• CRP contract expires Sept 30 and was not renewed.

• Property has a couple smaller ponds and a couple nice spots for a cabin or house. 

• Small, hard to find recreational tract with income, ponds, building spots, and great deer and pheasant hunting. 


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