
Andrew Fansler of Shelbyville, Indiana is a first-generation farmer whose farming career was born from an intense interest in agriculture. From the time he was 10 years old, Andrew worked for free on the farms of friends, learning the day-to-day operations and more importantly discovering his passion for the soil, for growing things, for the lifestyle and value system which are part of agriculture.

Andrew went to Shelbyville High School and Franklin College, becoming a licensed real estate broker in 2003.  Andrew and his wife Carmen married in 2005 and have two daughters Anne Marie and Mollie.  Carmen is a 2nd grade elementary teacher, wife and mom, but most importantly the backbone to the Fansler Family!

Andrew’s journey, which began in 1995 with just 42 rented acres, has had lots of highs and lows. Today, Andrew is the owner of Fansler Farms.  Fansler Farms operates on over 4,500 acres, successfully producing high-quality crops which include Food Grade White & Yellow Corn and Soybeans for Pioneer Brand Seed.  Andrew’s operation is built upon no-till farming, crop rotations and environmentally friendly practices, because of Andrew’s desire to reduce his footprint and enhance the land he farms. Andrew’s farming operation was the recipient of the 2015 Bayer Crop Science, Young Farmer Sustainability Award.

Andrew’s experience in farm management far succeeds most of today’s farmland managers.  Being a fiduciary farmland manager, Andrew’s forward thinking, applies the same strategic thought process he does on his own operation to the farmland and operations he manages. Andrew has handled land sales with commercial and residential real estate developers, farmland investors and farmland operators throughout Central Indiana.  A 1031 Specialist has allowed Andrew to be involved in many different levels of real estate transactions, with corporate clients to 7th generation land owners.

Andrew enjoys time with his family, friends, clients and his farm!  Farming and Real Estate is more than a job to Andrew, it is a lifestyle he has grown to be very proud of.  He is living his dream with wife Carmen, together raising their family on the farm and teaching their daughters the joy of being happy doing what you love.  Andrew and the team with LandProz of Indiana are ready to do what it takes to maximize your property.


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