Bidding Open
Monday, August 10 at 10 am thru Friday, August 14 at 2 pm
Property Description
Large, level farm tracts of land just southeast of Eau Claire, WI on Highway 12 near Augusta, Wisconsin. These high-quality class I & II soils demand high yields. The farms have been improved with drainage tile from 40'-80' centers depending on the soils and parcel needs. Great outlets exist for proper drainage. The farms have very high past yield performance with a production history of up to 209 bpa for corn and 56 bpa for soybeans. Rarely do large, level tracts of land of this caliber come available for sale. The tract sizes are set so individuals have an opportunity to add individual tracts and the tracts may be purchased together to keep this very rare opportunity to add such a large assembly of parcels so very close together. This is a very unique chance to own the sought after and valuable "Golden Triangle" of Eau Claire County Wisconsin.
Property Features
• Great Soils
• Newly Installed system drain tile.
• Large access points for large machinery
• Great location for road access and grain markets
• Large tracts are very rare in this area
• Access to many nearby grain outlets
Tract 1 – 80 acre +/-
Legal Description-
40 acres of the PID1801222607261200001 in Section 26 26N 07W NW-NE
40 acres of the PID 1801222607261300001 in Section 26 26N 07W SW-NE
RE Taxes - $281.24 (2019 payable in 2020)
PIDs – 1801222607261200001, 1801222607261300001
NCCPI – 80.8
Cropland Acres - 77.98 Acres
Tract 2 – 75.81 +/- Acres
Legal Description-
35.81 acres of the PID 1801222607234309001 in Section 23 26N 07W OUTLOT 1 OF CSM V.15 PG.62 (#2681) LYG IN THE SW-SE CONT 35.810 AC WITH RD R/W OR 35.31 AC WITHOUT RD R/W
40 acres of the PID 1801222607234400001 in Section 23 26N 07W SE 1/4-SE ¼
RE Taxes - $253.40 (2019 payable in 2020)
PIDs – 1801222607234309001, 1801222607234400001
NCCPI – 68.9
Cropland Acres – 72.3 Acres
Tract 3 – 74.73 +/- Acres
Legal Description-
27.39 acres of the PID 1801222607234100006 in Section 23 26N 07W THE FOL LEGAL DESC IS FOR TAX BILLING PURPOSES ONLY:THAT PRT OF THE NE-SE LYG W & S OF USH 12 AS NOW LAID OUT & LYG E & S OF LOT 1 OF CSM V 9 PG 78 (#1666). TO CLARIFY, SD DESC PCL DOES EX THAT PRT LYG N & W OF LOT 1 OF CSM V 9 PG 78 (#1666) IN THE NE-SE EX HWY R/W CONT 0.05 AC M/L CONVEYED IN 1578/446 ALSO EX COM SWLY COR LOT 1 OF CSM V 9 PG 78 (#1666) TN N89*46'45''E 206.64' TN N0*28'12''W 113.78' TO POB TN N0*28'12''W 24.54' TN N86*02'26''E 27.64' TN S45*59'34''W 38.07' TO POB
40 acres of the PID 1801222607234400001 in Section 23 26N 07W SE 1/4-SE ¼
6.07 acres of the PID 1801222607243300004 in Section 24 26N 07W THE N 1/2 OF THE SW-SW LYG W OF USH 12 EX THE N 250' THEREOF CONT 6.07 AC M/L CALC FROM THE 1980 AERIAL PHOTO.
1.27 acres of the PID 1801222607243200002 in Section 24 26N 07W THAT PART OF NW-SW LYG W OF RR R/W EX HWY 12 R/W EX PRT CONVEYED TO DOT IN 826/643 & CONT 0.03 AC M/L
RE Taxes - $309.49 (2019 payable in 2020)
PIDs – 1801222607234100006, 1801222607234400001, 1801222607243300004, 1801222607243200002
NCCPI – 63.6
Cropland Acres – 65.48 Acres
Tract 4 – 70.41 +/- Acres
Legal Description-
39.4 acres of the PID 1801222607261100001 in Section 26 26N 07W NE-NE EX N 20' THEREOF
5.0 acres of the PID 1801222607252300004 in Section 25 26N 07W W 1/2 OF THE W 1/2 OF THE W 1/2 OF THE SW-NW
26.01 acres of the PID 1801222607261400001 in Section 26 26N 07W SE-NE EX LOT 1 CSM 3075 (V17 P194 #1114517
RE Taxes - $272.30 (2019 payable in 2020)
PIDs – 1801222607261100001, 1801222607252300004, 1801222607261400001
NCCPI – 76.9
Cropland Acres – 57.79 acres
Tract 5 – 35 acres +/-
Legal Description-
35.01 acres of the PID 1801222607274300001 in Section 27 26N 07W N 35 AC OF THE SW-SE
RE Taxes - $134.35 (2019 payable in 2020)
PIDs – 1801222607274300001
NCCPI – 73.8
Cropland Acres – 33.36 Acres
Tract 6 – 60 acres +/-

Legal Description-
30 acres of the PID 1801222607221300002 in Section 22 26N 07WS 30 AC OF THE SW-NE SEE SURVEY T-1573
30 acres of the PID 1801222607221400002 in Section 22 26N 07W S 30 AC OF THE SE-NE SEE SURVEY T-1573
RE Taxes - $130.15 (2019 payable in 2020)
PIDs – 1801222607221300002, 1801222607221400002
NCCPI – 75.2
Cropland Acres – 45.81 Acres
Tract 7 – 47.93 acres +/-
Legal Description-
36.85 A OF THE PID 1800222606193200001 IN SECTION 19 26N 06Win Section 22 26N 07W FRAC NW-SW CONT 36.85 AC M/L
11.08 A OF THE PID 1800222606193309002 IN SECTION 19 26N 06W THE E 557.39' OF LOT 1 OF CSM V.13 PG.124 (#4238) LYG IN THE
RE Taxes - $ 165.94 (2019 payable in 2020)
PIDs – 1800222606193200001, 1800222606193309002
NCCPI – 48.4
Cropland Acres – 46.5 Acres
* The above partial legal descriptions are not the full legal descriptions. They are from sources deemed reliable. Full legal descriptions are available at the county recorder’s office for review.

Earnest Money: $25,000 (non-refundable) down per tract to apply to the purchase price the day of the auction upon successful bidding
Closing Date: On or about September 23, 2020
Possession: Buyer to receive possession after current present tenants’ crops are removed or by December 1, 2020, whichever occurs first.
Terms: No Buyers Fee
Any statement made the day of the auction takes precedence over previous material. All information provided herein was obtained from sources deemed reliable, but neither the auction company nor seller guarantees its accuracy.